Vitamin C-enriched gelatin supplementation before intermittent activity augments collagen synthesis
Shaw, Gregory ; Lee-Barthel, Ann ; Ross, Megan L. R. ; Wang, Bing ; Baar, Keith
Univ Calif Davis
关键词: bone;    exercise;    ligament;    tendon;    inury prevention;    return to play;   
DOI  :  10.3945/ajcn.116.138594
【 摘 要 】
Background: Musculoskeletal injuries are the most common complaint in active populations. More than 50% of all injuries in sports can be classified as sprains, strains, ruptures, or breaks of musculo-skeletal tissues. Nutritional and/or exercise interventions that increase collagen synthesis and strengthen these tissues could have an important effect on injury rates. Objective: This study was designed to determine whether gelatin supplementation could increase collagen synthesis. Design: Eight healthy male subjects completed a randomized, double blinded, crossover-design study in which they consumed either 5 or 15 g of vitamin C enriched gelatin or a placebo control. After the initial drink, blood was taken every 30 min to determine amino acid content in the blood. A larger blood sample was taken before and 1 h after consumption of gelatin for treatment of engineered ligaments. One hour after the initial supplement, the subjects completed 6 min of rope-skipping to stimulate collagen synthesis. This pattern of supplementation was repeated 3 times/d with >= 6 between exercise bouts for 3 d. Blood was drawn before and 4, 24, 48, and 72 h after the first exercise bout for determination of amino-terminal propeptide of collagen I content. Results: Supplementation with increasing amounts of gelatin increased circulating glycine, proline, hydroxyproline, and hydroxylysine, peaking 1 h after the supplement was given. Engineered ligaments treated for 6 d with serum from samples collected before or 1 h after subjects consumed a placebo or 5 or 15 g gelatin showed increased collagen content and improved mechanics. Subjects who took 15 g gelatin 1 h before exercise showed double the amino-terminal propeptide of collagen I in their blood, indicating increased collagen synthesis. Conclusion: These data suggest that adding gelatin to an intermittent exercise program improves collagen synthesis and could play a beneficial role in injury prevention and tissue repair.
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