Myofibrillar protein gel properties are influenced by oxygen concentration in modified atmosphere packaged minced beef
Wang, Hang ; Luo, Yongkang ; Ertbjerg, Per
Univ Helsinki
关键词: Protein oxidation;    Water-holding capacity;    Gel strength;    Rheology;    Viscoelasticity;   
DOI  :  10.1016/j.foodchem.2017.03.073
【 摘 要 】
Minced beef was stored for 8 days and myofibrillar protein (MP) was extracted to investigate the effect of oxygen concentration (0, 20, 40, 60, and 80%) in modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on heat-induced gel properties. Compression force of gels was lower when prepared from beef packaged in 0% oxygen, intermediate in 20 to 60% oxygen and greater in 80% oxygen. Total water loss of gels prepared from beef packaged with oxygen (20-80%) was higher and rheology measurements presented higher G' and G '' values. Additionally, gels from beef packaged without oxygen exhibited higher J (t) values during creep and recovery tests, demonstrating that oxygen exposure of meat during storage in MAP affect MP in such a way that heat-induced protein gels alter their characteristics. Generally, storage with oxygen in MAP resulted in stronger and more elastic MP gels, which was observed already at a relative low oxygen concentration of 20%. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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