Brazilian Computer Society. Journal
A conceptual-driven survey on future internet requirements, technologies, and challenges
Antonio Marcos Alberti1 
[1] Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicações–INATEL, Santa Rita do Sapucaí, Brazil
关键词: Future internet;    Future networks;    New generation;    Architecture;    Requirements;    Challenges;    Technologies;    Concepts;   
DOI  :  10.1007/s13173-013-0101-2
来源: Springer U K
【 摘 要 】

Nowadays, research initiatives to redesign the Internet are popping up around the world. Each of these projects has a particular focus and its own set of design requirements and key technologies. The panorama shows a wide diversity of pre-requirements and arguments, some very specific and superficial, others more general and deep. Despite this diversity, a conceptual-driven analysis of such scenario could reveal the current state-of-the-art on future Internet research, the common aspects that permeate all initiatives, and the open issues to be addressed in future work. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the contemporary research from an abstract point of view, covering the design requirements and ingredients that are being adopted, interrelating, and analyzing them.

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