Perspectives on Medical Education
Getting off the carousel: Exploring the wicked problem of curriculum reform
Lorraine Hawick1  Jennifer Cleland1  Simon Kitto2 
[1] University of Aberdeen;University of Ottawa
关键词: Wicked Problem;    Curriculum Reform;    Case Study;    Undergraduate Medical Education;   
DOI  :  10.1007/s40037-017-0371-z
来源: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum B.V.
【 摘 要 】

IntroductionMaking substantial changes to the form and delivery of medical education is challenging. One reason for this may be misalignment between existing conceptualizations of curricula and curriculum reform in medical education, with the former perceived as ‘complex’ yet the latter as linear. Reframing curriculum reform as a process-driven, complex entity may enhance the possibility of change. To explore the utility of this approach, we carried out an exploratory case study of curriculum reform in a real-life context.

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