Revista Cubana de Ortopedia y Traumatología
Calcaneus Normal Radiological Patterns in Children
Moreno Gómez, Luz Ángela1  Vergara Amador, Enrique1  Erazo Acosta, Lina M1 
[1] Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia
关键词: calcaneus;    osteochondrosis;    foot bones.;   
DOI  :  
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】

Introduction:In children, heel painis frequent after walking, requiring conventional radiograph. The reviewedliterature did not provide a description of calcaneus radiological developmentin children. Hyperdensity and fragmentation of the posterior apophysis arefrequently associated with Sever's disease; however, these characteristicshave been described in asymptomatic children. Objective: Describe the calcaneusradiological characteristics in children, according to age groups and specifythose related to the development of the apophysis ossification nucleus. Method: A descriptive observationalcross-sectional study was conducted. Population: X-rays of children between5 and 15 years of age. A radiological description and different measures wereperformed to compare the subgroups. Results: 148 radiographs were obtained, only one posterior apophysisossification nucleus was identified. The ossification and fusion process wasearlier in girls than in boys in approximately 2 years, starting between 6and 8 years and ending between 13 and 15 years. The ossification pattern startedin the calcaneus lower half and continued toward the top. Slots were observedin 26% of the radiographs and hyperdensitywas a common feature in 89%. Conclusions: The calcaneus normal radiological characteristics in childrenand ossification of the nucleus of the posterior apophysis are described,establishing differences by age and sex. Increased density and the presenceof clefts are normal features and do not indicate disease.

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