Revista Cubana de Hematología, Inmunología y Hemoterapia
Consentimiento informado en las leucemias agudas: deber del médico y derecho del paciente
Hernández Padrón, Carlos1  Quintero Sierra, Yamilé1 
[1]Instituto de Hematología e Inmunología, La Habana, Cuba
关键词: informed consent;    relationship doctor/patient;    bioethics.;   
DOI  :  
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】
From the bioethics point of view, the doctor-patient relationship has three components: the sick individual who represents the moral principle of autonomy; the doctor representing the beneficence, and the society being the representation of justice. The handling of patient with acute leukemia constitutes a challenge for the doctor and the medical team, not only  should they treat the disease, but they must offer moral and affective support, and by means of the informed consent give an appropriate information about the nature of illness, the risks of the diagnostic procedures, and about the recommended treatment. This information should be made in a clear and understandable language that may allow the patient and relatives to take the most correct decisions possible. The patient's collaboration should be obtained without coercion and doctor should not take advantage of his psychological potential domain on the sick person. The balance of the doctor - patient relationship can be compromised by the sick person's part and the family as well as for the health team. Only the appropriate information to evacuate the sick person's doubts facilitates the relationship health team-patient-family and the sick person's trust increases in the team that takes care of him, which is the reason whybhealth personnel who face these problems should be highly qualified and with a humanist sense which will diminish ethical dilemmas in this field of clinical medicine.
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