Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology
High-speed dynamic-mode atomic force microscopy imaging of polymers: an adaptive multiloop-mode approach
关键词: adaptive multiloop mode;    atomic force microscopy (AFM);    heterogeneous polymer sample;    tapping-mode imaging;   
DOI  :  10.3762/bjnano.8.158
来源: Beilstein - Institut zur Foerderung der Chemischen Wissenschaften
【 摘 要 】
Adaptive multiloop-mode (AMLM) imaging to substantially increase (over an order of magnitude) the speed of tapping-mode (TM) imaging is tested and evaluated through imaging three largely different heterogeneous polymer samples in experiments. It has been demonstrated that AMLM imaging, through the combination of a suite of advanced control techniques, is promising to achieve high-speed dynamic-mode atomic force microscopy imaging. The performance, usability, and robustness of the AMLM in various imaging applications, however, is yet to be assessed. In this work, three benchmark polymer samples, including a PS–LDPE sample, an SBS sample, and a Celgard sample, differing in feature size and stiffness of two orders of magnitude, are imaged using the AMLM technique at high-speeds of 25 Hz and 20 Hz, respectively. The comparison of the images obtained to those obtained by using TM imaging at scan rates of 1 Hz and 2 Hz showed that the quality of the 25 Hz and 20 Hz AMLM imaging is at the same level of that of the 1 Hz TM imaging, while the tip–sample interaction force is substantially smaller than that of the 2 Hz TM imaging.
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