Revista Cubana de Ortopedia y Traumatología
News on Vertebral Infections
Tabares Sáez, Horacio1  Tabares Sáez, Laura1  Tabares Neyra, Horacio1  Díaz Quesada, Juan Miguel2 
[1]Centro de Investigaciones en Longevidad, Envejecimiento y Salud, La Habana, Cuba
[2]Hospital General Docente Calixto García, La Habana, Cuba
关键词: spinalinfection;    spondylodiscitis;    spondylitis;    biopsy;    antimicrobial therapy.;   
DOI  :  
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】
Introduction:vertebral infections are a disease of low incidence, but with significant increasein recent years. This increase is related to a more susceptible population dueto various reasons. Despite the new methods for diagnosis, its delay is a majorproblem. Objective: review and discuss some current issues about the spine infections,epidemiology, etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and types of treatment.Method: select the appropriate literature using PubMed database, Hinariand Clinical Key. Results: the literature shows the importance of correct and rapid diagnosis,which determine the causal agent, is primordial to implement appropriate antimicrobialtherapy. Conservative treatment generally produces good results and surgeryis indicated in neurological deficit or sepsis, spinal instability and / ordeformity and failure of conservative treatment. Diagnostic and treatment algorithmis shown. Conclusions: applying correct methodology for the diagnosis and treatmentof spinal infection, satisfactory results are achieved.
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