The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science
Radiographic and ultrasonographic characteristics of ventral abdominal herniain pigeons (Columba livia)
Elham A. HASSAN1  Faisal A. TORAD1  Mohammed S. AMER1 
[1]Department of Surgery, Anesthesiology and Radiology,Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, Giza 12211,Egypt
关键词: abdominal;    hernia;    radiography;    surgery;    ultrasonography;   
DOI  :  10.1292/jvms.17-0517
来源: Japanese Society of Veterinary Science
【 摘 要 】
Five female egg-laying pigeons presented with painless, reducible, ventral abdominalswellings located between the keel and the pubis, or close to the cloaca. Based onclinical, radiographic, and ultrasonographic examination, these pigeons were diagnosedwith ventral abdominal hernia requiring surgical interference. Reduction was successfullyperformed under general anesthesia. Radiographic and ultrasonographic examinations werebeneficial for confirming the diagnosis and visualizing the hernial content for surgicalplanning. Lateral radiographs were more helpful than ventrodorsal radiographs foridentification of the hernial content and its continuation with the abdominal muscles.Ultrasonographic examination offered a non-invasive diagnostic tool that allowed for thedifferentiation of hernia from other abdominal swellings. In addition, it played abeneficial role in identification of the hernial content and follow up after surgicalinterference. In conclusion, radiographic and ultrasonographic examinations werebeneficial in the diagnosis, surgical planning, and follow up after surgical interferenceof ventral abdominal hernia in pigeons.
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