Brazilian Computer Society. Journal
A path to automated service creation via semi-automation levels
Carlos Kamienski1  Bö2  do3  Ernani Azevê4  rje Ohlman4  Ramide Dantas4 
[1] , Brazil;Ericsson Research, Stockholm, Sweden;Federal University of ABC, Santo AndréFederal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil
关键词: Service-oriented computing;    Service creation;    Service composition;    Pattern;    Template;   
DOI  :  10.1186/1678-4804-20-2
来源: Springer U K
【 摘 要 】

The manual creation of new Internet- and IT-based applications is currently a limiting factor in enabling new and innovative services to be quickly available. We advocate that semi-automated service creation techniques are feasible, whereas fully automated ones are not a reality yet. Consistently increasing the level of automation may lead to a better comprehension of the problem that will pave the way for the introduction of higher levels of automation in the future. We have developed two versions of a service creation tool, with different levels of automation, which have so far confirmed our expectations that the experience with semi-automation is a promising approach for continually speeding up the service creation process.

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