International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research
Evaluation of platelet count and platelet indices in patients with coronary artery disease
Jasmin H Jasani ; Madhur Modi ; Hetal Vaishnani ; Bhumika Gharia ; Yash Shah ; Deval Patel ; Rushabh Patel ; Vasundhara Bhruguvanshi ; Denish Vachhani
关键词: s Platelet count, platelet indices, mean platelet volume, platelet distribution width, platelet concentrate, Acute myocardial infarction, unstable angina;   
来源: Scholar Science Journals
【 摘 要 】
Background: Ischemic heart disease is mainly caused by atherosclerosis and its complications. Platelets and their activity have an important role in initiation of atherosclerotic lesions and coronary thrombus formation. Larger platelets are enzymatically and metabolically more active and have a higher potential thrombotic ability as compared with smaller platelets. Aims: To study the changes in platelet volume indices and platelet count in ischaemic heart disease and assess their usefulness in predicting coronary events. Methods: This was a comparative study of 180 patients (60 patients with stable angina, 60 with acute coronary syndrome and 60 with non-cardiac chest pain). Blood venous sample were drawn from all subjects after admission and collected in EDTA tubes. Platelet count and volume indices were assayed within 30 min of blood collection, using Nihon Kohden autoanalyzer. Results : All platelet volume indicesmean platelet volume (MPV), platelet distribution width (PDW), and platelet concentrate (PCT)were significantly raised in patients with AMI and UA. In patients with myocardial infarction, the mean values of MPV, PDW, platelet count and PCT were 11.02fL, 17.85%, 2.61 lac/cumm and 0.34% respectively. In patients with unstable angina were 10.31fL, 16.75%, 2.3 lac/cumm and 0.36% respectively while in normal healthy control the mean values of these indices were 7.98 fL, 10.70%, 2.66 lac/cumm and 0.24% respectively. Conclusions: Patients with acute coronary syndrome had higher platelet volume indices and lower platelet counts compared with those with stable angina and the normal population. Measurements of platelet volume indices and platelet count may be of some benefit in detecting those patients at higher risk for acute coronary events.
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