Archives of Thermodynamics
Numerical modeling and preliminary validation of drag-based vertical axis wind turbine
Andrzej J. NowakSilesian University of Technology, Institute of Thermal Technology, Konarskiego 22, 44-100 Gliwice, PolandOther articles by this author:De Gruyter OnlineGoogle Scholar1  Tomasz Krysi?skiCorresponding authorSilesian University of Technology, Institute of Thermal Technology, Konarskiego 22, 44-100 Gliwice, PolandEmailOther articles by this author:De Gruyter OnlineGoogle Scholar1  Zbigniew Buli?skiSilesian University of Technology, Institute of Thermal Technology, Konarskiego 22, 44-100 Gliwice, PolandOther articles by this author:De Gruyter OnlineGoogle Scholar1 
[1] Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Thermal Technology, Konarskiego 22, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
关键词: Keywords: Numerical modeling;    Numerical axis wind turbine;    Computational fluid dynamics;   
DOI  :  10.1515/aoter-2015-0002
来源: Polska Akademia Nauk * Oddzial w Gdansku, Instytut Maszyn Przeplywowych / Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery
【 摘 要 】

The main purpose of this article is to verify and validate the mathematical description of the airflow around a wind turbine with vertical axis of rotation, which could be considered as representative for this type of devices. Mathematical modeling of the airflow around wind turbines in particular those with the vertical axis is a problematic matter due to the complex nature of this highly swirled flow. Moreover, it is turbulent flow accompanied by a rotation of the rotor and the dynamic boundary layer separation. In such conditions, the key aspects of the mathematical model are accurate turbulence description, definition of circular motion as well as accompanying effects like centrifugal force or the Coriolis force and parameters of spatial and temporal discretization. The paper presents the impact of the different simulation parameters on the obtained results of the wind turbine simulation. Analysed models have been validated against experimental data published in the literature.

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