Journal of Lithic Studies
Event review: The Archaeology Centre Knap-In and Goat Roast, Toronto, Canada
Amy Fox1 
[1] Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto
关键词: Archaeology Centre, University of Toronto, knap-in, JLS, Journal of Lithic Studies, event review;   
来源: University of Edinburgh * School of History, Classics and Archaeology
【 摘 要 】

As a part of its programming line-up, The Archaeology Centre at the University of Toronto hosts a number of faculty and student-run interest groups that bring together archaeologists from the Toronto community. These groups foster interdepartmental and community collaboration among those who share similar research pursuits. In May 2015, the Lithics Interest Group and Food and Subsistence Interest Group organized an end-of-year knap-in and goat roast. Its goal was to introduce students to flintknapping and food production, and to celebrate an excellent year for the Archaeology Centre.

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