Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences
Terahertz photomixer
E. Pli?skiDepartment of Electronics, Wroc?aw University of Technology, 27 Wybrze?e Wyspia?skiego St., 50-370 Wroc?aw, PolandOther articles by this author:De Gruyter OnlineGoogle Scholar1 
[1] Department of Electronics, Wroc?aw University of Technology, 27 Wybrze?e Wyspia?skiego St., 50-370 Wroc?aw, Poland
关键词: Keywords: continuous wave optical devices;    THz photomixers;    terahertz radiation;   
DOI  :  10.2478/v10175-010-0044-0
来源: Polska Akademia Nauk * Centrum Upowszechniania Nauki / Polish Academy of Sciences, Center for the Advancement of Science
【 摘 要 】

The paper gives a review of continuous wave optical devices called THz photomixers used for excitation and detection of the terahertz radiation. Possible structures of the terahertz photomixers are classified and described.

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