The Support to an Entrepreneur: From Autonomy to Dependence
Marie-Noëlle Albert1 
关键词: entrepreneur;    project;    autonomy;    support;    autobiography;    reflexive work;   
DOI  :  10.1177/2158244013492779
来源: Sage Journals
【 摘 要 】

Entrepreneurs are often associated with autonomy, but one of the coauthors, the sole owner of a microbusiness, had a different experience. Based on this, we used an autobiographical narrative method in a constructivist paradigm to explore this phenomenon that is autonomy. The coauthor’s different experience developed the idea that difficulties lived by an entrepreneur can transform autonomy into dependence. This negative complex process is grounded on a request for help by the entrepreneur and the dissymmetric relation between the person who needs help and the support. This kind of relationship promotes a loss of the entrepreneur’s capacities. A non-co-construction of solution (by the entrepreneur and the support) is not only less productive, but could also develop a very negative process. This finding is important to better understand support to entrepreneurs.

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