Multiphysics Probe for Deep Brain Monitoring of Glioblastoma Environment
Chatard, Charles1 
关键词: deep brain monitoring;    enzymatic biosensor;    fluorescent biosensor;    glioblastoma;    bioMEMS;    microfabrication;   
DOI  :  10.3390/proceedings1040502
来源: mdpi
【 摘 要 】

This work reports on the development, and preliminary results of a multiphysics probe for deep brain monitoring of neurotransmitters and metabolites in the glioblastoma environment. We made the proof of the concept of our probe with common mice glioblastoma cells GL261 modified with Green Fluorescent Protein. A silicon probe with a platinum electrode at the tip was functionalized with an enzyme in order to detect, for example, Glucose, D-serine, Lactate or Glutamate. In addition, an optical fiber was inserted in a groove in the middle of the probe for light excitation and detection of glioblastoma cells by fluorescence.

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