Energy-Related Data Integration Using Semantic Data Models for Energy Efficient Retrofitting Projects
Sicilia, Álvaro1 
关键词: energy efficiency retrofitting;    semantic web;    linked data;    data integration;    ontologies;    SPARQL;   
DOI  :  10.3390/proceedings1071099
来源: mdpi
【 摘 要 】

Energy efficient retrofitting projects of urban areas require to analyze data from multiple sources and domains—BIM, GIS, statistics, energy data, and climate. An interoperability solution is needed to overcome the semantic and structural heterogeneity of the data sources. Within OptEEmAL project, we have design and implemented a District Data Model which integrates multiple data sources and makes them interoperable with several simulation tools (Energy plus, Nest, CitySim) using Semantic Web technologies, namely, ontologies and SPARQL construct queries.

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