Mathematical and Computational Applications
Application of Energy and Exergy Analyses to a CI Engine Using Biodiesel Fuel
Sekmen, Perihan1 
关键词: Diesel engine;    energy analysis;    exergy analysis;    biodiesel;   
DOI  :  10.3390/mca16040797
来源: mdpi
【 摘 要 】

In recent years, exergy analysis method has been widely used in the design, simulation and performance assessment of various types of engines for identifying losses and efficiencies. In this study, the first and second Laws of thermodynamics are employed to analyze the quantity and quality of energy in a four-cylinder, direct injection diesel engine using petroleum diesel fuel and biodiesel fuel. The experimental data were collected using steady-state tests which enable accurate measurements of air, fuel and cooling water flow rates, engine load, and all the relevant temperatures. Balances of energy and exergy rates for the engine were determined and then various performance parameters and energy and exergy efficiencies were calculated for each fuel operation and compared with each other. The results of tested biodiesel offer similar energetic performance as petroleum diesel fuel. In addition to this, the exergetic performance parameters usually follow similar trends according to the energetic performance parameters.

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