Mathematical and Computational Applications
Dynamic Response of a Beam Due to an Accelerating Moving Mass Using Moving Finite Element Approximation
Esen, Ä°smail1 
关键词: Beam;    Moving Mass;    Dynamic Response;    Moving Finite element;   
DOI  :  10.3390/mca16010171
来源: mdpi
【 摘 要 】

In this study, the dynamic behaviour of a beam carrying accelerating mass is investigated. A MATLAB code was developed for numerical solutions. The accelerating moving mass that is travelling on the beam was modelled as a moving finite element in order to include inertial effects beside gravitation force of mass. Since the mass moves along the deflected curve of the beam, these effects are, respectively, the centripetal force, the inertia force, and the Coriolis force components of the moving mass. The effect of longitudinal force due to acceleration of the moving mass is also included. Dynamic response of the beam was obtained depending on the mass ratio (mass of the load / the mass of the beam) and the acceleration of the mass. Numerical results show the effectiveness of the method.

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