Bulletin of Emergency and Trauma
The Belief and Attitude of the Drivers toward the Usage of Cellphone while Driving; A Population-Based Survey
Batoul Sedaghati Shokri, Seyed Rasoul Davoodi, Majid Azimmohseni, Gholamreza Khoshfar1 
[1] . davoodi76ir@gmail.com
关键词: Drivers' beliefs;    Theory of plant behavior;    Cellphone;    Driving;   
DOI  :  10.18869/acadpub.beat.5.4.455
来源: Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
【 摘 要 】

Objective: To presents a survey investigating differences between drivers' beliefs regarding utilizing cellphone when driving.Methods: In this population-based survey, the participants who were studied in the North of Iran, Gorgan, were categorized as main urban and rural areas. A sample of 400 drivers, 92 women and 308 men, filled out the four sections questionnaire which was based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) used for measuring the differences between the drivers' opinions (attitudinal beliefs, normative beliefs, and perceived control behavioral beliefs) about utilizing a cell phone when driving along with their age and driving purpose. Data were collected by distributing the 68- query questionnaire between the drivers.Results: The MANOVA analysis showed that important discrepancies were found between the normative, control and behavioral beliefs of cellular phone users while driving. As expected, frequent business and younger users with sturdy intention expressed more benefits of further concentration on family members and fewer obstacles that would prevent them from utilizing cellphone when driving than older and frequently personal users.Conclusion: These results indicated that the benefits of utilizing cellphone while driving are greater than its dangers. To reduce cellphone utilization when driving and increase road safety, more effort is required to lower the perceived advantages of the behavior and to outstand the risks of this hazardous driving act.

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