The Journal of Immunology: Official Journal of the American Association of Immunologists
Tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of Vav GTP/GDP exchange activity in antigen receptor-triggered B cells.
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来源: American Association of Immunologists
【 摘 要 】
Ag receptor triggering in B cells stimulates the activity of receptor-associated tyrosine protein kinases (TPK), leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of several cellular substrates, one of which is the Vav proto-oncogene product. We have recently determined that Vav is a TPK-regulated guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Ras in T cells. Here, we show that B cell extracts or Vav immunoprecipitates contain a Ras GDP/GTP exchange activity that is stimulated upon surface Ig (slg) triggering. The receptor-mediated stimulation of Vav exchange activity was blocked by the TPK antagonist, herbimycin A. Furthermore, immunodepletion of Vav from the B cell extracts removed approximately 80% of the Ras GDP/GTP exchange activity. These findings indicate, first, that B cell-derived Vav possesses GDP/GTP exchange activity for Ras; second, that the exchange activity of Vav is accelerated by a slg-triggered, herbimycin A-sensitive TPK and, third, that Vav accounts for most of the receptor-stimulated Ras GDP/GTP exchange activity. Thus, Vav may serve as a critical component in slg-mediated signal transduction pathways by coupling receptor-associated TPK to the activation of Ras proteins.
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