Condensed Matter
Fermionic Properties of Two Interacting Bosons in a Two-Dimensional Harmonic Trap
Mujal, Pere1 
关键词: two-dimensional systems;    strongly correlated systems;    interacting bosons;    harmonic oscillator;    fermionization;   
DOI  :  10.3390/condmat3010009
来源: mdpi
【 摘 要 】

The system of two interacting bosons in a two-dimensional harmonic trap is compared with the system consisting of two noninteracting fermions in the same potential. In particular, we discuss how the properties of the ground state of the system, e.g., the different contributions to the total energy, change as we vary both the strength and range of the atom–atom interaction. In particular, we focus on the short-range and strong interacting limit of the two-boson system and compare it to the noninteracting two-fermion system by properly symmetrizing the corresponding degenerate ground state wave functions. In that limit, we show that the density profile of the two-boson system has a tendency similar to the system of two noninteracting fermions. Similarly, the correlations induced when the interaction strength is increased result in a similar pair correlation function for both systems.

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