African Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science Research
A stage-structured two species competition model under the effect of disease
Manju Agarwal1 
关键词: Competing species;    stage structure;    disease;    stability;    permanence;    numerical simulation.;   
DOI  :  10.5897/AJMCSR2013.0522
来源: Academic Journals
【 摘 要 】

In this paper we study the dynamics of two competing species model, one of the competing species is stage structured and the disease spreads only in the other competing specie. In order to keep the model simple, we present it under the strong assumption that the disease cannot cross the species barrier. Dynamical behaviors such as positivity, roundedness, stability, bifurcation and persistence of the model, are studied analytically using theories of differential equations. Computer simulations are carried out to substantiate the analytical findings. It is noted that the parameters, cthe loss rate of population, tthe maturation time and fthe intraspecific coefficient are the key parameters which we need to control to keep away the mature healthy population from extinction and the infected individuals of the latter species from extinction respectively.

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