Avian Conservation and Ecology
Survival of Adult Songbirds in Boreal Forest Landscapes Fragmented by Clearcuts and Natural Openings
Philip D. Taylor,1  Ian G. Warkentin,2  Darroch M Whitaker,3 
[1] Acadia University, Canada;Memorial University of Newfoundland;Parks Canada
关键词: boreal forest;    clearcutting;    demographics;    forest management;    mark-recapture;    resilience;    songbirds;    apparent survival;    transience.;   
DOI  :  10.5751/ACE-00223-030105
来源: Resilience Alliance Publications
【 摘 要 】

There exists little information on demographic responses of boreal songbirds to logging. We conducted a 4-yr (2003-2006) songbird mark-recapture study in western Newfoundland, where land cover is a naturally heterogeneous mosaic of productive spruce-fir forest, stunted taiga, and openings such as bogs, fens, and riparian zones. We compared apparent survival and rate of transience for adults of 14 species between areas having forests fragmented primarily by either natural openings or 3-7 yr-old clearcuts. Data were collected on three landscape pairs, with birds being marked on three 4-6 ha netting sites on each landscape (total = 18 netting sites). Survival rates were estimated using multi-strata mark-recapture models with landscape types specified as model strata. Landscape type was retained in the best model for only two species, Ruby-crowned Kinglet and Yellow-rumped Warbler, in both cases indicating lower apparent survival in landscapes having clearcuts. Though parameter estimates suggested lower survival in clearcut landscapes for several species, meta-analysis across all species detected no general difference between landscape types. Further, we did not detect any relation between landscape differences in survival and a species

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