International Journal of Physical Sciences
Investigation of the effect of outlet pollutants of cement production industries around Tehran and approaches to control and eliminate pollutants
Siamak Boudaghpour1 
关键词: Cement industry;    air pollution;    eliminating and controlling pollutants.;   
DOI  :  
来源: Academic Journals
【 摘 要 】
Air pollution is one of the most serious environmental problems in Tehran. Each day, a tremendous amount of toxic and fatal gases, different kinds of pollutants, perilous floating particles produced by cars, factories, industrial workshops, power plants and residential buildings are added to the air. Largely due to the increasing demand for cement, cement production industries around Tehran have increased their daily production. Consequently, this has led to an increase in the amount of dangerous pollutants and floating waste solid particles resulting from clinker furnaces. Suspended solid particles, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, different types of nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides are the most common pollutants releasing from furnaces into atmosphere. This research is aimed at evaluating and predicting the rate of pollutants being generated in the cement production industries and discussing the approaches to eliminate and control pollutants.
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