Scientific Research and Essays
Evidence-based information resources management skill among Iranian residents, internship and nursing students in urgent care
Kahouei Mehdi1 
关键词:  ;    Evidence-based;    information;    management;    skill.;   
DOI  :  10.5897/SRE11.476
来源: Academic Journals
【 摘 要 】

Information management skillrefers to use of available, up to date and valid information sources, that are associated with patient care and are available during care.The advent of the Internet and electronic resources solve some of the physical information access problems and provide an opportunity for all care providers to have access to a wide range of research evidence. But urgent care in environments such emergency departments affect on the care is team’s information management. This study showed how residents, internships and nursing students were using various information resources in particular evidence-based resources for their clinical decisions. The findings showed that urgency situations caused few populations the use of evidence based resources; and most of them preferred human and print information resources. It is important that information management skill in stressful environments is taught.

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