Scientific Research and Essays
Low cost biosorbent banana peel (Musa sapientum) for the removal of heavy metals
Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf1 
关键词:  ;    Biomass;    single metal;    multi metal;    sorption;    isotherm;    efficacy.;   
DOI  :  10.5897/SRE11.303
来源: Academic Journals
【 摘 要 】

The efficacy of the banana peel (Musa sapientum) biomass was tested for the removal of lead, copper, zinc and nickel metal ions using batch experiments in single and binary metal solution under controlled experimental conditions. It is found that metal sorption increases when the equilibrium metal concentration rises. At highest experimental solution concentration used (150 mg/L), the removal of metal ions were 92.52% for lead, 79.55% for copper, 63.23% for zinc and 68.10% for nickel while at lowest experimental solution concentration (25 mg/L), the removal of metal ions were 94.80% for lead, 86.81% for copper, 84.63% for zinc and 82.36% for nickel. Biosorption equilibrium isotherms were plotted for metal uptake capacity (q) against residual metal concentrations (Cf) in solution. The q versus Cfsorption isotherm relationship was mathematically expressed by Langmuir and Freundlich models. The values of separation factor were between zero and one indicating favourable sorption for four tested metals on the biosorbent. The surface coverage values were approaching unity with increasing solution concentration indicating effectiveness of biosorbent under investigation. The non-living biomass ofM. sapientumpresent comparable biosorption capacity for lead, copper, zincand nickel metal ions with other types of biosorbent materials found in literature and is effective to remove metal ions from single metal solutions as well as in the presence of other co-ions with the main metal of solution.

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