Scientific Research and Essays
Compton scattering of 662 keV gamma rays proposed by klein-nishina formula
I. Hossain1 
关键词:  ;    Free electron;    cross-section;    scattering;    photon.;   
DOI  :  10.5897/SRE11.1303
来源: Academic Journals
【 摘 要 】
The free electron Compton scattering cross-section are given by klein-Nishima, calculated using photon with an energy of 662 keV scattered incoherently through angles from 0-120°. The Compton scattering effect was calculated producing a linear relationship between the reciprocal of the scattered photon energy and 1/E0as a function of (1-cos θ), where θ is the scattering angle. It was found that the energy of scattered gamma ray decreases as the scattering angles increase. The differential scattering cross-section as a function of θ was calculated.
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