International Journal of Physical Sciences
Simplified design guidelines for seismic base isolation in multi-storey buildings for Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC)
A. B. M. Saiful Islam1 
关键词: Seismic base isolation;    simplified design;    building structures;    rubber bearing;    response modification;    base shear;    yield force;    shear modulus;    damping.;   
DOI  :  10.5897/IJPS11.795
来源: Academic Journals
【 摘 要 】
Seismic base isolation is now a days moving towards a very efficient tool in seismic design of structure. Increasing flexibility of structure is well achieved by the insertion of these additional elements between upper structure and foundation as they absorb larger part of seismic energy. However in Bangladesh, this research is still young for building structures. Therefore, this is a burning question to design isolation device in context of Bangladesh. Effort has been made in this study to establish an innovative simplified design procedure for isolators incorporated in multi-storey building structures. Isolation systems namely lead rubber bearing (LRB) and high damping rubber bearing (HDRB) have been selected for the present schoolwork. Numerical formulation and limiting criteria for design of each element have been engendered. The suitability to incorporate isolation device for seismic control has been sight seen in details. The study reveals simplified design procedures for LRB and HDRB for multi-storey buildings in Bangladesh. The detail design progression has been proposed to be included in Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC).
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