International journal of online engineering
Intelligent Home Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things
Xijuan Wang1 
[1] Shaanxi Institute of International Trade & Commerce, Shaanxi, China
关键词: Intelligent home;    Internet of things;    wireless communication network;    GPRS;    database;   
DOI  :  
来源: International Association of Online Engineering
【 摘 要 】

To realize the remote monitoring and intelligent management of the home environment, intelligent home remote monitoring system is developed based on the Internet of things technology. By using RF transceiver chip and GPRS technology, a smart home system scheme for wireless networks is established. The hardware and software design of sensor nodes and GPRS wireless communication base station is completed. Sensor nodes are used to monitor the acquisition of field data. Based on GPRS technology, the wireless communication base station realizes the uploading of monitoring data. The wireless communication between the node and the base station is realized by radio frequency transceiver chip SI4432. The results show that the system reaches the aim of expected design function. Therefore, it can be concluded that the system can meet the intelligent monitoring of the home environment.

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