American Journal of Neurodegenerative Disease
Fundamental role of pan-inflammation and oxidative-nitrosative pathways in neuropathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease in focal cerebral ischemic rats
Mak Adam Daulatzai1 
关键词: Alzheimer’;    s disease;    aging;    LPS;    proinflammatory cytokines;    neuroinflammation;    oxidative stress;    nitrosative stress;    microglia;    amyloid;    tau;   
DOI  :  
来源: e-Century Publishing Corporation
【 摘 要 】

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a chronic progressive neurodegenerative condition of the brain, and it is the most common cause of dementia. Several neurobiological etiologies of AD are described in the literature. These include vascular, infectious, toxic, nutritional, metabolic, and inflammatory. However, these heterogeneous etiologies have a common denominator - viz. Inflammation and oxidative stress. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) elevates the synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines; chronically, together they trigger various pathological responses in the periphery and the CNS including dysfunctional memory consolidation and memory decline. Aging - the main risk factor for AD is inherently associated with inflammation. There are several age-related comorbidities that are also associated with inflammation and oxidative stress. Such co-prevailing aggravating factors, therefore, persist against a background of underlying aging-related pathology. They may converge, and their synergistic propagation may modify the disease course. A critical balance exists between homeostasis/repair and inflammatory factors; chronic, unrelenting inflammatory milieu succeeds in promoting a neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative outcome. Extensive evidence is available that CNS inflammation is associated with neurodegeneration. LPS, proinflammatory cytokines, several mediators secreted by microglia, and oxidative-nitrosative stress in concert play a pivotal role in triggering neuroinflammatory processes and neurodegeneration. The persistent uncontrolled activity of the above factors can potentiate cognitive decline in tandem enhancing vulnerability to AD. Despite significant progress during the past twenty years, the prevention and treatment of AD have been tantalizingly elusive. Current studies strongly suggest that amelioration/prevention of the deleterious effects of inflammation may prove beneficial in preventing AD onset and retarding cognitive dysfunction in aging and AD. A concerted multi-focal therapeutic effort around the inflammation-oxidative-nitrosative stress paradigm may be crucial in preventing and treating AD. This paper informs on such relevant polypharmacy approach.

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