The condor
Nest-site selection and reproductive success of Common Yellowthroats in managed Iowa grasslands
Les D. Murray1 
关键词: brood parasitism;    Common Yellowthroat;    Geothlypis trichas;    grasslands;    nest-site selection;    nest success;    Panicum virgatum;    switchgrass;   
DOI  :  10.1650/CONDOR-13-047-R1.1
来源: Central Ornithology Publication Office
【 摘 要 】

ABSTRACT Birds are expected to select nest sites that maximize their reproductive success. In some settings, particularly in human-modified landscapes, birds may make maladaptive choices based on unreliable cues. We studied nest-site selection and the factors that influence reproductive success of Common Yellowthroats (Geothlypis trichas) in managed switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) grasslands in Iowa. We compared vegetation variables at 115 nest sites and corresponding random points. Conditional logistic regression was used to relate nest success, brood parasitism, and number of young fledged per successful nest to vegetation characteristics. Common Yellowthroats selected nest sites with denser and more senescent vegetation, and more forb cover compared with random points. Nest success, however, was negatively related to forb cover. Brood parasitism was not well-explained by any variables. Number of young fledged was positively related to the proportion of senescent vegetation. Selection of nest sites with ...

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