Pharmacognosy: Science of natural products in drug discovery
Orhan IE1 
关键词: Pharmacognosy;    Natural products;    Herbal medicine;    Pharmacy;   
DOI  :  10.15171/bi.2014.001
来源: Tabriz University of Medical Sciences and Health Services
【 摘 要 】

Pharmacognosy deals with the natural drugs obtained fromorganisms such as most plants, microbes, and animals. Up todate, many important drugs including morphine, atropine,galanthamine, etc. have originated from natural sources whichcontinue to be good model molecules in drug discovery.Traditional medicine is also a part of pharmacognosy and mostof the third world countries still depend on the use of herbalmedicines. Consequently, pharmacognosy always keeps itspopularity in pharmaceutical sciences and plays a critical role indrug discovery.

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