Frontiers in Public Health
A New Role for Public Health in Bioterrorism Deterrence
Margaret E. Kosal1 
关键词: bioterrorism;    biosecurity;    bioweapons;    national security;    public health;    deterrence;    polio;    Ebola;   
DOI  :  10.3389/fpubh.2014.00278
来源: Frontiers
【 摘 要 】
When this commentary was submitted in April 2014, only a handful of scholars and policy-makers in the defense and security communities were following the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, which was over 4 months old at that time. Now that thousands of people have died, cases have spread to the US and Europe, and thousands of US uniformed military are being deployed on humanitarian assistance/disaster relief missions, attention and interest are significantly heightened. The events of the last few months demonstrate the criticality for interdisciplinary thinking, which is more challenging due to different historical contexts, knowledge bases, interests, lexicon, and perspectives.
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