Frontiers in Psychology
Rapid Adaptation of Night Vision
Adam Reeves1 
关键词: mesopic vision;    scotopic vision;    adaptation;    vision recovery;    HDR;   
DOI  :  10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00008
来源: Frontiers
【 摘 要 】
Apart from the well-known loss of color vision and of foveal acuity that characterizes human rod-mediated vision, it has also been thought that night vision is very slow (taking up to 40 min) to adapt to changes in light levels. Even cone-mediated, daylight, vision has been thought to take 2 min to recover from light adaptation. Here, we show that most, though not all adaptation is rapid, taking less than 0.6 s. Thus, monochrome (black-white-gray) images can be presented at mesopic light levels and be visible within a few 10th of a second, even if the overall light level, or level of glare (as with passing headlamps while driving), changes abruptly.
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