Frontiers in Psychology
Seeing to hear? Patterns of gaze to speaking faces in children with autism spectrum disorders
Julia R. Irwin1 
关键词: autism spectrum disorders;    audiovisual speech perception;    eyetracking;    communication development;    speech in noise;    lipreading;   
DOI  :  10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00397
来源: Frontiers
【 摘 要 】
Using eye-tracking methodology, gaze to a speaking face was compared in a group of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and a group with typical development (TD). Patterns of gaze were observed under three conditions: audiovisual (AV) speech in auditory noise, visual only speech and an AV non-face, non-speech control. Children with ASD looked less to the face of the speaker and fixated less on the speakers’ mouth than TD controls. No differences in gaze were reported for the non-face, non-speech control task. Since the mouth holds much of the articulatory information available on the face, these findings suggest that children with ASD may have reduced access to critical linguistic information. This reduced access to visible articulatory information could be a contributor to the communication and language problems exhibited by children with ASD.
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