Query: Jurnal Sistem Informasi
Implementasi Algoritma Boyer Moore Pada Aplikasi Kamus Istilah Kebidanan Berbasis Web
Rizky Ivan Darmawan1  Anif Hanifa Setianingrum1  Arini Arini1 
关键词: Algorithm;    Boyer Moore;    Midwifery Dictionary.;   
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来源: Univesitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara
【 摘 要 】

The lack of understanding in obstetrics and limit of instructional media has become one of the factors in the making of dictionary application of midwifery. The current dictionary is still a thick book with many terms in it and difficult to use. dictionary midwifery terms have a weakness in the search process, because users should search for words and terms manually by opening pages per page on the dictionary and existing data could not be changed.Keywords: Algorithm, Boyer Moore, Midwifery Dictionary .

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