Journal of Governance: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
Segregasi Residensial dan Intersubyektivitas Kewarganegaraan Masyarakat Desa Oi Bura
Rahmad Hidayat1 
[1] STISIP Mbojo Bima
关键词: Citizenship;    Intersubjectivity;    Residential segregation;   
DOI  :  10.31506/jog.v3i1.882
来源: Faculty of Social and Political Science Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
【 摘 要 】

Abstract: This paper tries to explore the practice of residential segregation in a village and its impact on the villagers’ comprehension about the concept of citizenship. The process of separating the residential location of a group who came from Bali with other groups in the village of Oi Bura of Tambora sub-district in Bima district reflects the immortal existing of colonial legacies in the form of ethnic and religious residential segregation. As a result, these practices have triggered the emergence of social distance among social groups and then hurt the principle of social inclusion or social solidarity as major dimensions of citizenship. Keywords:  villagers; intersubjectivity; residential segregation; colonial legacy; production-based social structure; citizenship.Abstrak :Tulisan ini hendak mengungkap praktek segregasi residensial di sebuah desa dan dampaknya terhadap pemahaman warga desa tentang konsep kewarganegaraan. Proses pemisahan lokasi pemukiman sekelompok orang yang berasal dari Bali dengan kelompok lainnya di Desa Oi Bura Kecamatan Tambora Kabupaten Bima mencerminkan keberlangsungan abadi warisan-warisan kolonial dalam bentuk segregasi residensial etnis dan agama sekaligus. Imbasnya, praktek tersebut telah memicu kemunculan jarak sosial antarkelompok masyarakat dan mencederai prinsip inklusi sosial atau solidaritas sosial yang menjadi dimensi utama kewarganegaraan. Kata kunci:  warga desa; intersubyektivitas; segregasi residensial; warisan kolonial; struktur sosial berbasis produksi; kewarganegaraan.

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