Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics
Methodology for the Audiovisual Analysis of Surgical Team Performance in Orthopedic Ankle Surgery:
关键词: surgical skill;    performance;    audiovisual;    high-fidelity;    simulation;    ankle surgery;    nontechnical skills;    team dynamics;    leadership;    coaching;   
DOI  :  10.1177/2473011416S00227
来源: Sage Journals
【 摘 要 】

Category:Basic Sciences/BiologicsIntroduction/Purpose:Defining and quantitatively measuring surgeon and operating room team performance remains a scientific and clinical challenge. Evidence-based, objective methods to assess surgical skill have been identified; however, a quantifiable and valid methodology to measure intraoperative performance is lacking. We aimed to determine the optimal approach to audiovisually assess a surgeon and a surgical team. We aimed to develop a high-fidelity method to analyze and improve surgeon and team performance.Methods:Funding of this study was provided through a grant awarded by the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (#2015-24-P). Sixteen predetermined, bilateral ankle surgeries (frame placement, frame removal, and total ankle replacement) were performed between July and December 2015 in both live and simulated operating room settings. Still photography and web- based three-dimensional modeling software were used to determine optimum camera position for the firs...

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