International Journal of Engineering Business Management
The effect analysis of the research results on the spatial concentration and utilization sharing of research equipment:
关键词: Research result;    research equipment;    utilization sharing;    spatial concentration;    national research institute;    South Korea;    science;    technology;    analysis science;    research productivity;    research paper;    research fund;    research project;   
DOI  :  10.1177/1847979017710350
来源: Sage Journals
【 摘 要 】

In this study, research materials for the spatial concentration and utilization sharing of research equipment were surveyed, and then the effect factor and the effectiveness were analyzed based on the research results. Also, information regarding research result creation was provided through research equipment utilization sharing. The research results of 100 researchers (25 national research institutes in the Ministry of Science, ICT (Information and Communications Technologies), and Future Planning of South Korea) were chosen for the effect analysis. For the study results, the medicine and pharmacy researchers showed better performance in research equipment utilization sharing than the natural science and engineering researchers. The number of research paper coauthors and the research equipment utilization sharing execution policy of research institutes influenced the rate of research equipment utilization sharing. The research field, the number of research paper coauthors, the research equipment utilization sharing execution policy of research institutes, and the research institute characteristics influenced the utilization sharing of research equipment in the research environment. Also, the utilization sharing of research equipment was statistically significantly influenced by the number of research papers and the impact factor (IF). The utilization sharing of research equipment was not statistically significantly influenced, however, by the IF mean. In this study, the quantitative performance index was found to be effective, and the qualitative performance index was found to be ineffective. In the analysis model, when the researchers followed the research equipment utilization sharing execution policy of the research institutes, the research results improved.

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