Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
And that is where the fun ends – General practitioners' conceptualisation of the line between recreational and problem gambling:
Michael DieterEgerer1 
关键词: problem gambling;    corrupted play;    general practitioners;    comparative studies;    focus-group interview;    Finl;    France;    Germany;   
DOI  :  10.1515/nsad-2015-0006
来源: Sage Journals
【 摘 要 】

AimsProblem gambling is normally identified by fixed criteria of harm adapted from those of substance abuse and by focusing on the individual gambler. However, rigid definitions neglect institutional variations of gambling practices within different legislative configurations. This study proposes analysing the line between recreational and problem gambling by focusing on gambling behaviour and looking at the corruption of the defining factors of play (Caillois, 1958) in three different institutional contexts.DesignA stimulated focus-group method (Reception Analytical Group Interview) was applied to seven groups of Finnish and French general practitioners each and three groups of German ones to study the variations of conceptualising the defining factors of play as introduced by Caillois.ResultsCorruption of play was distinguished by participants from all three countries as the dividing line between recreational and problem gambling, but cultural variations were found: the French and German GPs emphasised ...

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