Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine
Evidence-Based Practice and Chiropractic Care:
关键词: evidence-based;    evidence-based practice;    evidence-based medicine;    chiropractic;    curriculum;    effectiveness;   
DOI  :  10.1177/2156587212458435
来源: Sage Journals
【 摘 要 】

Evidence-based practice has had a growing impact on chiropractic education and the delivery of chiropractic care. For evidence-based practice to penetrate and transform a profession, the penetration must occur at 2 levels. One level is the degree to which individual practitioners possess the willingness and basic skills to search and assess the literature. Chiropractic education received a significant boost in this realm in 2005 when the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine awarded 4 chiropractic institutions R25 education grants to strengthen their research/evidence-based practice curricula. The second level relates to whether the therapeutic interventions commonly employed by a particular health care discipline are supported by clinical research. A growing body of randomized controlled trials provides evidence of the effectiveness and safety of manual therapies.

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