Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics
Measurement of Nitinol Recovery Distance Using Pseudoelastic Intramedullary Nail in Tibiotalocalcaneal Arthrodesis:
Selene G.Parekh1 
关键词: Tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis;    pseudoelastic intramedullary nail;    Nitinol;   
DOI  :  10.1177/2473011416S00220
来源: Sage Journals
【 摘 要 】

Category:AnkleIntroduction/Purpose:Tibiotalocalcaneal(TTC) arthrodesis is a salvage procedure for patients with complex disease of the ankle and subtalar joints. Despite the clinical efficacy and mechanical advantage of intramedullary nails, complications, such as nonunion, are not uncommon. It may be possible to sustain compression in the face of bone resorption and implant loosening over the course of healing using a novel pseudoelastic intramedullary nail.Methods:We identified 15 patients (age+54.7+/-20.0 years) who had undergone a tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis using a pseudoelastic intramedullary nai. Serial radiographs were used to determine the amount and rate of Nitinol element migration over time.Results:Three months after surgery, there was at least 2.38mm of Nitinol element migration proximally with mean of 5.58mm(range: 2.38 to 8.11mm). Average follow up time was 195 days (range: 89 to 490 days).Conclusion:The Nitinol element recovers distance when stretched intra-operatively and maintains mod...

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