Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems
Morphological parallels of communications between the circumventricular system in adolescents
T. S. Komshuk1 
[1] Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University»
关键词: boys;   
DOI  :  10.15421/021607
来源: Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
【 摘 要 】

This article presents, based on the example of morphometric study of magnetic resonance tomograms of persons of various ages, the complex of vital characteristics of the cerebrospinal system of the brain in adolescents. The study tested gender characteristics and inter hemispheric asymmetry of the analyzed indexes. An asymmetry of anatomical structures of the right and left hemispheres with the tendency to increase in their sizes in the right hemisphere was found both for males and for females. Females had some age differences in the longitudinal dimension of the III ventricle (this index was lower in older females), the width and index of the IV ventricle was significantly lower in the 18 and 20 year old girls. Objective and methods. The research was conducted on the base of the radiation diagnosis department of Rivne Regional Clinical Hospital on the CT scan General Electric Healthcare Signa MRI 1.5 T and in the office of magnetic resonance imaging of Lutsk City Clinical Hospital on the CT scan Signa Profile Ce Medical System – 1,5 Tl in standard anatomic planes (sagittal, frontal andaxial). Measurements were carried out in persons without visual signs of organic lesions of the brain and skull. Analysis was made of 11 tomograms (males 17–21 years old – 6 persons, females 16–20 years old – 5 persons). In comparing pairs of parameters (of lateral ventricles) the factor of asymmetry was calculated, which is equal to the difference between the right and left lateral ventricles divided by the sum of right and left ventricles indexes (%). The results were processed by methods of descriptional statistics. In young males of this age group a significant increase in the following indicators was identified: the length of the anterior horn of the lateral ventricle on the right side, the length of the body of the lateral ventricle on both sides and the height of the III ventricle. Females had significantly increases in the following parameters: the width of the anterior horn of the lateral ventricle on the right side and the width of the posterior horn of the lateral ventricle on the left side. Consequently, in male adoles cents a parallelism in the formation of various structures of the ventricular system was traced. Since this is a single system, morphological and functional connections between its different components are stored. Mathematical analysis of the values of the structures of ventricular system in females characterize a hormonal influence on its development in adolescents. We can assume that organs which are the part of the circumventricular system (subcommisural organ, subfornical organ, median rise etc.), definitely have the character of anatomical connections between these components. Their functional unity in maintaining the homeostasis of the body is undeniable.

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