Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews
A rechargeable battery based on hydrophilic radical polymer electrode and its green assessment
K. Koshika1 
关键词: secondary battery;    redox polymer;    radical polymer;    aqueous electrolyte;    safety assessment;   
DOI  :  10.1080/17518250903251775
来源: Taylor & Francis
【 摘 要 】

A hydrophilic radical polymer electrode-based rechargeable battery was designed along the concept of green chemistry. A hydrophilic radical polymer, poly(2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinyloxy-4-yl vinylether), was synthesized as an electrode-active material; its battery demonstrated a high charging–discharging rate and long cycle life. The combination of the hydrophilic polymer electrode and an aqueous electrolyte for the battery fabrication was expected to provide safety improvements such as a low ignition risk besides the high battery performance. The green characteristics were studied using the “i-Messe,” an evaluation method proposed by the committee of the Green Sustainable Chemistry Network, Japan. The electrode-active polymer was evaluated for substantial improvements in disaster safety and health safety.

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