ETRI Journal
Microstrip EHF Butler Matrix Design and Realization
关键词: beam forming;    microstrip;    Butler matrix;   
Others  :  1185208
DOI  :  10.4218/etrij.05.1005.0012
【 摘 要 】

This paper describes the design and realization of an extra high frequency band 8 × 8 microstrip Butler matrix. Operation at 36 GHz is achieved with a frequency bandwidth exceeding 400 MHz. The circuit is implemented on a bi-layer microstrip structure using conventional manufacturing processes. This planar implementation of a Butler matrix is a key component of a switched beam smart antenna with printed antenna elements integrated on-board. Conception details, simulation results, and measurements are also given for the components (hybrid couplers, cross-couplers, and vertical inter-connections) used to implement the matrix.

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【 参考文献 】
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