ETRI Journal
A Lightweight NEMO Protocol to Support 6LoWPAN
关键词: header compression;    sensor network;    network mobility;    6LoWPAN;    NEMO;   
Others  :  1185639
DOI  :  10.4218/etrij.08.1308.0054
【 摘 要 】

The Network Mobility (NEMO) and IPv6 over Low power WPAN (6LoWPAN) protocols are the two most important technologies in current networking research and are vital for the future ubiquitous environment. In this paper, we propose a compressed packet header format to support the mobility of 6LoWPAN. Also, a Lightweight NEMO protocol is proposed to minimize the signaling overhead between 6LoWPAN mobile routers and 6LoWPAN gateways by using a compressed mobility header. Performance results show that our Lightweight NEMO protocol can minimize total signaling costs and handoff signaling delay.

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【 参考文献 】
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