ETRI Journal
Statistical Analysis of a Subjective QoE Assessment for VVoIP Applications
关键词: wireless networks;    VVoIP;    VoIP;    QoS;    QoE;   
Others  :  1185865
DOI  :  10.4218/etrij.10.0109.0645
【 摘 要 】

A successful deployment of multimedia applications over wireless environments entails improving the quality of service (QoS), not only from a technical point of view, but also considering the quality of experience (QoE) from the final user′s perception. Although objective QoE measure models avoid the difficulties of subjective surveys, subjective QoE assessments are essential to understand the way users evaluate the QoS. In this work, we study the effect of a wide range of parameters on the QoE of VVoIP applications in a real wireless scenario. Through a complete statistical analysis of users′ ratings, we identify the following facts. Although the use of VVoIP in wireless networks does not yet represent an advantage for users, there are great expectations for all applications under study, and with greater popularity comes higher expectations. It is easier for respondents to identify good behavior than poor behavior. Whereas the respondents′ frequency of Internet use does not impact on the scores, respondents′ gender does. Finally, the most determining parameters of quality from a user′s perspective were instability, video quality, voice distortion, usefulness, and graphical interface.

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