ETRI Journal | |
User Adoption Model under Service Competitive Market Structure for Next-Generation Media Services | |
关键词: continuous usage intention; extended technology adoption model; Web TV; DMB; mobile TV; Mobile IPTV; | |
Others : 1186165 DOI : 10.4218/etrij.11.0110.0160 |
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【 摘 要 】
As information technology rapidly develops and the period required to enter new technology shortens, there emerges a wide variety of alternatives for consumers. When there are many alternatives in the market, users choose after making comparisons. This process of making comparisons is our research key. We established a research model to find a mixed effect that comes from new attitudes to technology adoption and alternative’s continuous usage intention. The effect is revealed through a relative attractiveness (RA) factor to explain a user’s process of comparison. We empirically test our research model in the new media services, such as mobile TV, web TV, and mobile IPTV. According to our research results, a continuous usage intention of an existing technology is an important factor to explain the adoption of a new technology. So, the contribution of our research is in finding a role for the RA factor in research in new technology adoption.
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