Particle and Fibre Toxicology
Repellent and insecticidal efficacy of a new combination of fipronil and permethrin against three mosquito species (Aedes albopictus, Aedes aegypti and Culex pipiens) on dogs
Mark D Soll2  S Theodore Chester2  Scott McCall5  Scott P Carroll4  David R Young3  Alexander Mathis6  Christian Kaufmann6  John W McCall5  James S Hunter2  Pascal Dumont1  Becky Fankhauser2 
[1] Merial S.A.S., 29 Av Tony Garnier, Lyon, 69007, France;Merial Limited, 3239 Satellite Blvd, Duluth 30096, GA, USA;Young Veterinary Research Services, 7243 East Avenue, Turlock 95380-9124, CA, USA;Carroll-Loye Biological Research, 711 Oak Avenue, Davis 95616, CA, USA;TRS Labs, Inc., 295 Research Drive, Athens 30605, GA, USA;Institute of Parasitology, Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 266a, Zurich, 8057, Switzerland
关键词: Frontline Tri- Act®/Frontect®;    Repellency;    Dog;    Fipronil;    Permethrin;    Culex pipiens;    Aedes albopictus;    Aedes aegypti;    Mosquitoes;   
Others  :  1147311
DOI  :  10.1186/s13071-015-0691-y
 received in 2015-01-22, accepted in 2015-01-25,  发布年份 2015
【 摘 要 】


Three laboratory studies were conducted to assess the repellent and insecticidal efficacy of a combination of fipronil and permethrin (Frontline Tri- Act®/Frontect®) against three mosquito species (Aedes albopictus, Aedes aegypti and Culex pipiens) on dogs.


In each study, 16 healthy adult dogs were allocated to two groups. Eight dogs were treated with the new topical spot-on combination of fipronil and permethrin on Day 0 and the other eight dogs served as untreated controls. Each dog was exposed to mosquitoes on Days 1, 7, 14, 21 and 28 (and also on Day 35 in the A. aegypti study). After a 1-h exposure period, all mosquitoes were counted and categorized as live or dead and fed or non-fed. Live mosquitoes were kept in an insectary and observed for mortality counts 4, 24 and 48 h post-exposure (PE) for Aedes spp. and 24 and 48 h PE for C. pipiens. Repellency and insecticidal efficacies were defined as the percent reduction in the number of fed and live mosquitoes, respectively, in the treated group as compared to the untreated control group.


Repellency against A. albopictus was ≥93.4% through Day 21 and 86.9% on Day 28. It was ≥91.0% through Day 35 against A. aegypti and ≥90.4% through Day 28 against C. pipiens. Insecticidal efficacy against A. albopictus was ≥97.1% at 24 h PE from Day 7 to Day 28. It was ≥98.0% for the first 3 weeks and still 75.7% on Day 35 against A. aegypti at 24 h PE. For C. pipiens, insecticidal efficacy ranged from 93.8% (Day 7) to 30.9% (Day 28) at 48 h PE.


A single topical administration of the combination of fipronil and permethrin provides repellency against mosquitoes on dogs for at least 4 weeks. The product may therefore significantly reduce the potential for the transmission of vector-borne pathogens through the inhibition of mosquito feeding, as well as the discomfort associated with mosquito bites. Moreover, mosquito mortality was induced by contact with the treated dogs, which could aid in the control of mosquitoes, and hence the control of mosquito-borne diseases, in the local vicinity of treated dogs.

【 授权许可】

2015 Fankhauser et al.; licensee BioMed Central.

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